Open Position(s)

Postdoctoral Position in Primate Evolutionary Genomics at Arizona State University

The Jensen and Pfeifer Labs at Arizona State University are searching for a joint postdoctoral researcher to study the evolutionary genomics of non-human primates, supported by NIH MIRA and NSF CAREER awards.

Research in the Pfeifer Lab is centered around mutation and recombination rate inference (, and in the Jensen Lab around demographic and selection inference ( This position will combine the development of novel population-level genomic datasets with these computational inference approaches. As such, researchers with a background or interest in primate genomics generally, or in the study of any of these individual evolutionary processes specifically, are particularly encouraged to apply.

Research topics are open to discussion and mutual interest, though should align with the general theme. The start date is flexible, and the beginning salary will be on NIH-scale (~$61,000 per year). 

Both labs are based in the School of Life Sciences and are associated with the Center for Evolution and Medicine ( and the Center for Mechanisms of Evolution (, which further provides for a strong intellectual environment including frequent seminars and journal clubs (

Interested applicants should contact Jeff Jensen <jeffrey.d.jensen[@]> and Susanne Pfeifer <susanne[@]> for informal inquires, and/or to send an application (including a CV, names of 3 references, and a cover letter describing your interests and fit for the position). The evaluation of applications will begin January 25, and will continue until a suitable candidate has been found.